Atraction Marketing Formula – A Review

In these days, a lot of common people are looking to make some money and start their Network Marketing Business. As the business model is still working in the classic way, some people want to growth their business fast. So the idea to build it via online marketing strategies is not very new. Some experienced marketers have built training programs, which gives instructions, how to generate and qualify leads of the network marketing business. Today we did some research about the attracting marketing formula by Ferny Ceballos.

Review – Is The Attraction Marketing formula a Scam?

Before I start, it´s important to say, that I am not a partner of Ferny Ceballos or the Attraction Marketing formula. So I don´t promote or provide a link to this program.

I did a research and found a lot of marketers, who are writing reviews about this program, but they are not objective, because they promote this program as affiliate partners and the want to gain leads or partners for the own affiliate link.

So nothing is wrong about affiliate marketing, or online marketing, but how unprejudiced can someone be, who is promoting the program, he offers?

So I included only the neutral reviewer in my research. Belief me, that was a hard job. Most of the reviewer are promoters and they use the review technical for marketing. This is a good Idea, but it doesn´t support You. So most of the time it is smarter to try out a similar program, which offers You a free access, so it is not necessary to buy the cat in the box. This is within serious entrepreneurs a common ability.

What is the attraction Marketing formula?

The Attraction Marketing Formula is an affiliate marketing product, which teaches You, how to generate leads for Your online business. Of course You can use this leads also for Your Network Marketing a usual. But it is not specific, only für Network markteting. The price is between $27 and $97, depended on which page You buy. I saw some pages of the book and it looks like a usual online marketing strategy, which is almost teaches by several marketers. If there are some up selling tools, I don´t know.

Even I don´t know if the explanations in the book are so detailed, that You can use it one on one, without having any experience before. Maybe it is, but I am not so sure, even the process is not easy peasy if You are starting from scratch.

So the reviewer I evaluated, didn´t have a promotional link to the attraction marketing formula. I found 10 good reviews and put the results into a list, so You make Your own decision, to the question: To join or not to join.

What The Best Review are telling.

Nr. Name Rating-Points Recommended

  1. Amhil 4/5 Yes
  2. Ali Monajjemi 6/10 Yes
  3. all the other reviewers linked me to the selling page of the program.

They try to hide the link, other not, they expose it and others are trying, to build a list with the leads they get and after that, they are offering a discount to the program.

I think as we know how extensive the publications are in the internet, some information are so obvious and easy to get, so why think some people: “most users are fools”?

So don´t expect a summary of the book, to take a limited edition to get through. You have to buy it, to see it and maybe You can remember, that You have a Risk free 30 Days Warranty, You can use. Of course You remember that, after 30 Days.


As I didn´t purchase the program and don´t give You any link, where You can have a discount or something like that I can give You my own opinion about this program. Maybe it is not a scam. You get more than 180 pages (eBook) for $27 if You buy it at discount. I can´t image, that all the content is not worth $27, sure it is. But what for?

If You are a network marketing business owner, and You will grow Your business, then it would be more purposeful to follow a mentor, who build only a network marketing business online. There a few, who can teach You the whole process. But at the end of the day, if You are not familiar, with the recruiting and sponsoring process of network marketing, You will have an issue. If You get a lot of leads, how will You handle all these?

Read also my Post “Build Your Network Markteing Business Online – 100% On Autopilot”, about this.

So If You are really interested in the process of generating leads online, You can at first approach save Your money and get free access to my recommendation Nr. 1.

Get fully access to the best learning to platform in the internet, without spending a dime. You get excellent content and a lot of online marketing strategies. And I am sure, You can use them for Your network marketing business as well.

If You want access, write me a Mail on with the topic “let me in WA”, I will send You a link, so You can instantly open Your own account and start with Your education, get in touch which other people, like You and get access to the most important tools You need to succeed.


2 thoughts on “Atraction Marketing Formula – A Review

  1. Hello Evangelos, Thanks for the informative information on Marketing Formula. When I can get my better half to sit down with me we’ll both take the time to look at your affiliate marketing recommendation. Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

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