Online Money-Making Strategies

Morover hundreds of millions proples are looking for the ideal strategy to ad some extra income into their pockets. Some of them discovered the ability to earn online money. But the offers on the internet are like a big jungle, You feel lost, when You are looking for some options. Most of the time, You can´t decide, I the offer is a oppurtunity or a scam.

In the first place, I want give You a overview of some online making-money strategies. Of course only ideas. So that depends on Your own skills, talents, interests, hobbies or education, if You can useful start with such an idea.

The first group contains some paid services

Of course the right idea is very important, but the concept, which leads You to the success is essential. We have a lot of good ideas out there which never turned into money-making process. In order to guide You in this journey, I give You also some tips for the making of. But first the inspirational part.


  • Secretary Tasks: the most important is audio transcription. You need a speed performance in writing and can start without any preparations.
  • Ghost Writing: if You are a talented writer, You can write blog articles or other text parts, and get paid for that. Get my free report, the best online adresses for paid writers.
  • Product tester
  • Online Surveys
  • Selling Your old and useless thing online
  • Peer-to-peer lending

This jobs are easy to make, the payment is not really the best.

The second group we have activities, which requieres more crativity, but are better paid

The more, You have to put down some work, some brain energy and of course some effords. The second group is somethin in between jod and business. Therefore You have to invest some time and perhaps a little money on that. And of course it´s more lucrative than the first group.

  • Blogging
  • Write a book
  • Make a Video Channel
  • Advice others to online marketing services
  • Compose licence free music


The last group has a lot of high skilled, best paid options. You must have education and get some experiences, before You earn. But they are very good paid.

  • Network Marketing
  • Trading: this is an excellent oppurtunity, rather rewuieres a lot of education, time and money at the beginning. It´s not always so easy as it seemed to be. But if You have the time and the money to spend, it´s fine for You.
  • Affiliate Marketing: At my opinion the king of online making-money. If You don´t have any product, if You don´t have any technical skills and no experience, however You can make a lot of money there.

I hope my tips could help You, to get a good idea. Feel free, to order my report “online making-money strategy for beginners – make Your first 500$ online in 30 Days”. You will find there

  • the most paid jobs in category one, the best portals, how You can start offer Your services, without pay for that
  • A list of the most profitable portals for Your services
  • How to avoid scams in the internet jungle
  • the most popular ways in online money-making
  • a list of programs, which allows You to start immidiately, without spending a dime for promotion or advertising

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Remember, my mentor alway says: Never invent, always improve. So why will You invent the whell, if there is everything ready on the plate?



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